shared an event1w • The State of the Union
see ya at the top of the hour
We chat all things /farcaster with an emphasis on the tools and techniques you need to succeed on /warpcast. Hosting Audio Room at @farhouse. App invite code: zs7424
Rayna💜 shared an event
1w • The State of the Union
Joining this!! Cant miss another FU sanctioned event - The State of Union by @torii-stories 🫶🫶 🫶 and @jacque 💜 💜 💜 💜
Pichi 🟪🍖🐹🎩 🍡🌸
shared an event1w • The State of the Union
I love that as soon as I posted that I’m in transit and can’t host the State of the Union, @allenbarth offered topics to help those new to Farcaster and @jacque and @torii-stories offer to help co-host. I love this place!
shared an event1w • The State of the Union I hope you don’t mind, I didn’t want to use your image out right, but I did want people to know it’s an FU sanctioned event with the nod to your banner. (Also @jacque and I can’t tag the channel in the event)