Players from the Burr Frens poker club join some Lil Nouners for a game of Texas hold 'em in a 7 week tournament with prizes sponsored by Lil Nouns DAO. We'll be chatting about all the Farcaster and web3 things while playing poker. Watch the stream on GM Farcaster's YouTube and chat with the players.
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Nounish Prof ⌐◧-◧🎩
shared an event1mo • Lil Poker with GM Farcaster, BurrFrens & Lil Nouns
TONIGHT Players from the /burrfrens poker club join some Lil Nouners for a game of Texas hold 'em in a 7 week tournament with prizes sponsored by /lilnounsdao. We'll be chatting about all the Farcaster and web3 things while playing poker. Watch the stream on GM Farcaster's YouTube and chat with the players. (links to watch in frame and replies)